jueves, 12 de abril de 2012


Esta es la presentación del curso Web 2.0 en Educación.


Estimad@s compañeros. Esta es la galería fotográfica del curso Web 2.0 en Educación.

New Site - Teaching Appz!

New Site - Teaching Appz!:
I'm really pleased to announce the latest addition to my collection of Teaching Websites - Teaching Appz! The site is a directory of educational apps for iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, Android and other devices. They are all organised into different subject ideas and have ideas for using them in the classroom. Take a look!

Teaching Appz

Color Memory Match

Color Memory Match:

How to Learn the Map of the 50 States

How to Learn the Map of the 50 States:
Most kids in the US have to learn where all the 50 states are at some point in elementary school.  My daughter had to learn them for a test this week.
We tried apps for the iPad and Android to help her learn them.  None of the ones we found were very helpful.  So we went back to the old way… I printed out some blank maps and had her fill in as many states as she knew.  She compared that to a map with the states already named on it.  Then she filled in the ones she didn’t know on her blank map.  After doing this several times… she finally learned the location of all the states.
Here’s a link to the best printable blank map of the 50 states that I found.
Here’s a printable map of the states with their names.
Feel free to share any resources you like for learning about the states, or about learning geography in general, in the comments below.
Mama Lisa